August 5-10, 2010 - 2010 ABA Annual Meeting (American Bar Association) - San Francisco, CA
August 11, 2010 - "Bilski: Implications of the Supreme Court's Long-Awaited Ruling: Strategies for Prosecuting or Challenging Patent Process Claims Going Forward" (Strafford) - 1:00 - 2:30 PM (EDT)
August 16-17, 2010 - Advanced Patent Prosecution Workshop 2010: Claim Drafting & Amendment Writing (Practising Law Institute) - San Francisco, CA
August 17, 2010 - "Bilksi: The Impact of the Final Decision on University TTOs" (Technology Transfer Tactics) - 1:00 - 2:30 PM (EDT)
August 18-19, 2010 (Postponed to January 26-27, 2011) - The Life Sciences Lawyer's Guide to Patent Term Adjustment and Patent Term Extensions*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
August 25-26, 2010 - FDA Boot Camp*** (American Conference Institute) - San Francisco, CA
August 26, 2010 - "The Future of Patenting in Biomedicine" (Technology Transfer Tactics) - 1:00 - 2:30 PM (EDT)
September 1-2, 2010 - 7th Annual Pharmaceutical Law Summer School (IBC Legal) - London, UK
September 7-9, 2010 - BioPatent Design (Pharma IQ) - Munich, Germany
September 12-14, 2010 - 2010 Annual Meeting (Intellectual Property Owners Association) - Atlanta, GA
September 15, 2010 - Prior Art & Obviousness 2010: Current Trends in Sections 102 & 103 (Practising Law Institute) - San Francisco, CA
September 16, 2010 - Developments in Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Law 2010 (Practising Law Institute) - New York, NY (Groupcasts to be held in Philadelphia, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Mechanicsburg, PA; New Brunswick, NJ; and Boston, MA)
September 20-22, 2010 - 2nd Annual Business of Biosimilars (Institute for International Research) - Boston, MA
September 22-23, 2010 - Biosimilars & Biobetters: Aligning Business & Science for Success*** (SMi Conferences) - London, UK
September 27-28, 2010 - FDA Boot Camp*** (American Conference Institute) - Boston, MA
October 6-7, 2010 - Maximizing Pharmaceutical Patent Lifecycles*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
October 18-19, 2010 - 5th Summit on Biosimilars and Follow-on Biologics*** (Center for Business Intelligence) - Washington, DC
***Patent Docs is a media partner of this conference or CLE