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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« Not Quite Artificial Life, But We're Getting Closer: Reactions to Venter's Synthetic Cell | Main | Photocure ASA v. Kappos (Fed. Cir. 2010) »

June 14, 2010


Great to see Director Kappos understands that different patent applications should be treated differently -- implementing this concept could contribute to increased efficiency at the USPTO. Though I'm not yet convinced that fast/ordinary/delayed is the ideal system for categorizing patent applications, at least it's a step in the right direction. I believe that the USPTO needs to start reviewing several different types of multi-tiered approaches to patent examination, because the traditional one-size-fits-all approach doesn't meet the needs of today's environment. If Congress ever actually passes a patent reform bill with teeth, then maybe we'll see significant change for the better in patent law someday.

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