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February 02, 2010


We are doomed


If only Congress will listen to this letter. The current so-called "patent law reform" will only make American innovation less protectable and American global competitiveness worse, especially for American small business. We need to encourage American innovation, not discourage it which this so-called "patent law reform" will do.

"strong patent protections that ensure the patent application process is efficient and fair for big and small companies alike."
What a joke. After the EBAY decision, small inventors who are NPEs are given nothing but the shatft! I still think that denial of an injunction (assuming validity, enforceability and infringement) is unconstitutional.

Don, do you have a copy of the letter? Can you give us a link?


I received a press release containing the text of the letter from members of Rep. Michaud's and Rep. Manzullo's staff, but I could not find the letter online. I now see that Rep. Manzullo has posted the press release on his website: http://manzullo.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=169142.


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