The American Bar
Association (ABA) Section of Intellectual Property Law will be holding the 25th
Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference on April 7-10, 2010 in Arlington,
VA. Among the topics that will be
covered at the conference are:
• Patent reform
legislation -- Where we are, how did we get here, and what does the future hold
in store?
• The year in
patent law;
• Hot topics in
foreign patent procurement and enforcement;
• Biosimilars 2010;
• Best practices
for selecting, retaining and working with experts in patent cases;
• Litigating
validity: Obviousness and
collateral challenges;
• Insurance
challenges: What every
intellectual property lawyer should know about legal malpractice insurance,
litigation, sanctions, and ethical violations;
• The use of
opinion of counsel as evidence in patent litigation;
• Navigating inter partes reexamination;
• Patent and
trademark prosecution ethics -- Shifting sands or new directions?
• Patent licensing
for standards: How the deal is
• Anatomy of an
infringement claim: Analyzing and
responding to a letter asserting trademark or patent infringement;
• Patent practice
perspectives: Addressing client
and subject matter conflicts;
• Mock preliminary
injunction hearing; and
• Strategic forum
selection in patent litigation.
On the second day
of the conference, the luncheon speaker will be David Kappos, Under Secretary
of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, who will share his perspective on USPTO challenges and
strategies for the future. In
addition, an evening reception will be held at the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit.
The program
schedule for the conference can be found here. A complete brochure for the conference,
including the program schedule, a list of speakers, and registration form can
be downloaded here.
The registration
fee is $245 (law students), $295 (corporate counsel and government, public
interest, and academic rate), $645 (ABA-IPL section members and members of co-sponsoring
section), $715 (ABA members), or $795 (non-ABA members). Those registering before March 23, 2010
will receive a $50 discount.
Detailed registration information can be found in the conference
brochure or on the ABA website.