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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« Biotech/Pharma Docket | Main | Thailand Becomes PCT Member State »

October 14, 2009


Well stated. Thank you for this useful summary.

"Mr. Kerry began the proceedings (after an introduction from Ms. Barner) by saying there was a "bright new day at the PTO." He praised the leadership of Director Kappos, specifically mentioning the withdrawal of the continuation and claims rules as "turning over a new leaf" at the Office."

Sure, but now they're pushing for substantive rule making authority in the Patent Bill. I smell a rat.

Patent reform is a fraud on America...
Please see http://truereform.piausa.org/ for a different/opposing view on patent reform.

"Ms. Barner asserted that she would spend her time "making the stakeholders understand the big issues."

Certainly inventors and many others understand the issues far better than Ms. Barner or the legislative lackeys who wrote this bill or rather presented as it was written by large multinationals who prefer to steal others inventions rather than pay for them. Anyone who supports this bill supports legalizing theft of small entity creations by big corporations.

Nothing about damage "reform" ???
That is the elephant in the room, and would have a much more profound effect (together with the eBay decision) on the value of patents than any of the issues discussed above.

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