By Kevin E. Noonan --
The genetic age, characterized by numerous genome
projects (not the least of which is the Human Genome Project) has focused the
public's attention on the influence of our genes on our characteristics. This has led to questions about whether
there is a "gene" for risk-taking, or homosexuality, or
aggressiveness. Indeed, the
pervasiveness of the "gene" question for complex traits has produced
something of a backlash, illustrated by Richard Lewontin's books, Not in Our Genes and It Ain't Necessarily So, making the
reasonable point that genetic reductionism has its limitations.
But genes are certainly implicated in a number of
characteristics and traits, and one of the consequences of studying genomes has
been the elucidation of these relationships. In 2007, a report in Science
disclosed that body size in domesticated dogs is associated with a particular
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the insulin-like growth factor I gene
(IGF-1) (see "From Toy Poodle to Rottweiler: Why Is Fido So Small (or Large)?"). Last week, in Science, a group from the National Institutes of Health report on
another canine phenotype, coat variation, and the genes that are associated
with variations in several coat related traits (Cadieu et al., 2009, "Coat Variation in the Domestic Dog Is Governed by Variants in Three Genes," Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1177808).
The report, from Elaine Ostrander's lab at the NIH
and researchers at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the University of
California, Davis, the Biology Department at the University of Utah, the
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA, Cornell University's
Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, the Faculte de
Medicine in Rennes, France, and Affymetrix, involves genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for three coat
variations: the presence or
absence of "furnishings" (eyebrows and mustaches as arise in wire-haired
dogs), coat length, and coat curliness. The study involved more than 1,000 dogs from 80 breeds of domestic dogs,
and resulted in the identification of three genes associated with variations in
coat. These genes are RSPO2, encoding R-spondin-2; FGF5, encoding fibroblast growth factor
5; and KRT71, encoding
keratin-71. These genes, and
specifically SNPs associated with each of these genes, were found to be
associated with the presence or absence of furnishings (RSPO2), length (FGF5), and
curliness (KRT71).
Unlike the situation with body size, these three
genes form a combinatorial group of genes that can be independently segregated
(i.e., they all reside on different chromosomes) and can thus create a number
of different coat variations depending on the different variant alleles
inherited by particular breeds of dog (since coat characteristics are
frequently important components of the breed standard for different dog
breeds). Three datasets were used
in these experiments: the first
comprised DNA from 96 dachshunds varying as wire-haired (with furnishings),
smooth and long-haired coats; 76 Portuguese waterdogs, varying in curl type;
and 903 dogs form 80 breeds representing "a wide variety of [coat]
phenotypes." The initial
results of polymorphisms segregating with the different coat traits were
validated using a larger panel of at least 661 dogs from 106 breeds that
included the appropriate controls.
From the dachshund (at right) studies was identified the
association of RSPO2 with furnishings
as a locus residing on canine chromosome 13 (CFA13). As reported in the paper, "[a]
718 Kb homozygous haplotype in all dogs fixed with furnishings was located
within both the original 3.4Mb haplotype observed in the dachshund-only GWAS,
and a 2.8 Mb haplotype identified in crossover analysis within the dachshund
pedigree." From this
chromosomal location the RSPO2 gene
was identified:
Fine-mapping allowed us to reduce the
homozygous region to 238 Kb spanning only the R-spondin-2 (RSPO2) gene,
excluding the 5'UTR and the first exon (Fig. 1D; fig. S1 and table S3). RSPO2
is an excellent candidate for a hair growth phenotype as it is known to
synergize with Wnt to activate β-catenin
. . . , and Wnt signaling is required
for the establishment of the hair follicles . . . . Moreover, the Wnt/β-catenin pathway
is involved in the development of hair follicle tumors or pilomatricomas . . . ,
which occur most frequently in breeds that have furnishings . . . . Recent
studies have shown that a mutation in the EDAR gene, also involved in
the Wnt pathway, is responsible for a course East-Asian hair type found
in humans . . ., with some similarity to canine wirehair.
The polymorphism associated with the
furnishings trait in dachshunds and confirmed in 704 dogs of varying phenotype
is a 167 bp insertion within the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the RSPO2 gene;
"297/298 dogs with furnishings were either homozygous (268) or
heterozygous (29) for the insertion, while all 406 dogs lacking the trait were
homozygous [for 3' UTR lacking the insertion]." The authors also report a functional consequence of the
insertion, wherein there is a 3-fold increase in RSPO2 expression in muzzle skin from dogs with furnishings,
suggesting that the insertion in the 3' UTR influences mRNA stability.
For the association of FGF5 with hair length, the same type of
GWAS were performed, locating a polymorphism on canine chromosome 32 (CFA32) at
the FGF5 locus. Here, the polymorphism affected the
coding sequence of the protein, resulting in a Cys --> Phe
change at a conserved residue (95) in exon 1 of the FGF5 gene (corresponding to a G --> T transversion mutation). This association was not unexpected, as
prior work had shown that the FGF5
gene was associated with a long-haired or "fluffy" phenotype in Welsh
corgis. Long hair was associated
with the TT genotype, consistent with a genetically recessive mode of
inheritance. The T allele was
found in 91% of all long-haired dogs tested and in only 3.9% of short-haired
dogs (with medium-haired dogs having an intermediate 30% frequency level for
this allele). Curiously, Afghan
hounds that have particularly long hair do not have the Cys95Phe mutation.
Finally, for the curly coat variation GWAS
were performed with Portuguese water dogs (PWD) (at left, First Dog Bo). These studies revealed a SNP on canine chromosome 27 (CFA27)
located in the keratin 71 (KRT71)
genetic locus. As reported in the
paper, "Non-curly haired dogs carried the CC genotype [and] curly coated
dogs had the TT phenotype," and all three genotypes (CC, CT and TT) were
found in PWDs, a breed that expressed curl hair to varying extents. This SNP is also located in the coding
sequence (in the second exon) of the gene, causing an Arg --> Trp change
at residue 151. These findings
were also rationalized by the authors:
Keratins are obvious
candidates for hair growth . . . and mutations in KRT71 have been
described in curly coated mice . . . . The mutation described in our study is
within the second exon of the gene and may affect either or both of two protein
domains; a coiled-coil and a prefoldin domain. Conceivably, sequence alterations in these domains could affect
cellular targeting, receptor binding or proper folding of the protein after
These three mutations were
sufficient to account for the coat phenotype in 95% of the dogs tested, a total
of 622 dogs representing 108 of the 160 dog breeds recognized by the American
Kennel Club. The Supplemental
Materials contain a combinatorial diagram of the different variations at the
three loci that give rise to at least 7 different coat types (representing the
majority of coat types in modern breeds):
* The TT genotype was never found in this
combination, even though it would likely also display a short phenotype.
The authors set forth the following
conclusions. First, the "ancestral
state" of all three genes (Cys95 in FGF5,
Arg151 in KRT71, and absence of an
insertion in the 3' UTR in RSPO2) is
found in short-haired dog breeds (as well as grey wolves, the ancestors of all
modern dog breeds). Wire-haired
breeds (which all have furnishings) have the insertion in the RSPO2 gene. Curly wire hair is found in dogs having both the RSPO2 insertion and the KRT71 mutation, while longer-haired dog
breeds have the FGF5 mutation. Dogs carrying both the FGF5 mutation and the RSPO2 insertion have long, soft coats
and furnishings, whereas dogs with the FGF5
and KRT71 mutations have long,
curly coats. Finally,
dogs bearing all three of the variants have long, curly coats, and furnishings.
Elucidation of this genetic architecture of
observable phenotypic traits is possible because of the large number of
different dog breeds and the great variability, on one hand, and the consistent
stability, on the other hand, of genetic transmission in these breeds. This study suggests that these
analytical methods can (and will) be applied to assess the genetic bases of
other traits in dogs, and the extension of these results to homologous
phenotypes in other mammals including humans.
Photograph of mixed breed terrier (above) by Chris Barber, from the Wikipedia Commons under the Creative Commons license.