By Kevin E. Noonan --
One of the benefits of the exponential increase in
genetic information consequent to the determination of the genomic DNA sequence
of numerous species (the various "genome projects" that include the
Human Genome Project) is that it permits sequence comparisons between related
species. One result of this new
knowledge has been to verify the similarity of developmental control genes
throughout the animal kingdom (where genes like the Hox genes in nematode worms
and fruit flies have been identified in humans, for example). Within species, decoded genetic
information, and the ability to associate genetic variation between individuals
in a species with specific phenotypes has elucidated the genes that control
such phenotypes. Several examples
have been reported for domesticated dogs, where size is related to inheritance
of different alleles of the insulin-like growth factor-1 gene (IGF-1), and coat length, curliness, and
other features are related to inheritance of the FGR-5, KRT-71, and RPSO-2 genes. Artificial human selection for breed characteristics has
contributed to the ability to productively perform these types of association
Leg length in dogs is another phenotypic feature
subject to the whims of human breed selection and characteristic of different
breeds. In this week's edition of the journal Science, a group from the National Institutes of Health reports on
the genetic basis of this variation (termed chondrodysplasia), and associates
its results with a form of human dwarfish with similarities to canine chondrodysplasia
(wherein the growth plates in the long bones of the leg calcify prematurely,
producing shortened bones with a curved appearance) (Parker et al., 2009, "An Expressed Fgf4 Retrogene Is Associated with Breed-Defining Chondrodysplasia in Domestic Dogs," Science 325: 995-98).
The report is from Elaine Ostrander's lab at the
NIH, joined by researchers at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology at UCLA, the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition in the UK, the Division
of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Oregon Health and Human Science University, the
Baxter Institute for Animal Health and the College of Veterinary Medicine and
the Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell
University, and the Comparative Orthopedic Laboratory at the University of
Missouri. The study is
particularly noteworthy as it identifies an expressed retrogene for fibroblast
growth factor 4 (FGF4); retrogenes, more
commonly termed pseudogenes, represent reverse-transcribed messenger RNA (thus
lacking introns) that have been re-introduced into the genome. Until recently, these genes were
believed to be transcriptionally-silent relics of ancient retroviral infection
and were not expected to be transcribed. It is now recognized that such retrotransposition can, and has occurred
at sites containing transcriptional regulatory sequences, as it appears to have
in these dogs, leading to a novel form of gene duplication.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using
Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays were performed on
DNA from 835 dogs comprising 76 distinct breeds. Using American Kennel Club (AKC) breed standards, 95 dogs
from the chondrodysplastic breeds (including Pekinese, Welsh corgi, and
dachshund) were compared to a control group of 64 non-chondrodysplastic dog
breeds comprising 702 animals. The
strongest association in these studies specific for the chondrodysplastic
breeds was found on canine chromosome 18 (CFA18). This association was confirmed by studies on heterozygosity
in this region of canine chromosome 18, which was expected and was found to be
suppressed, consistent with human selection for chondrodysplasia as a part of
the breed standard for these breeds of dogs. Upon further sequencing analysis, the region was found to
contain a processed retrogene of canine FGF4,
comprising all the coding exon sequences as well as the 3' untranslated region
(UTR) and a polyadenine tract (as expected from an mRNA retrotransposon), but
lacking the 5' regulatory sequences of the native canine FGF4 gene (which also resides on canine chromosome 18, about 30 Mb
from the FGF4 retrotransposon
insertion site). This gene was
found in 175 dogs from 19 breeds exhibiting the chondrodysplasia phenotype, and
the gene was found to be homozygous in all but seven of these dogs. Fortuitously, the group found a single
transition mutation difference (a G --> A change in the
retrogene) that permitted expression to be differentiated between the retrogene
and the native FGF4 gene. Gene expression studies showed that the
retrogene was expressed in the articulate cartilage of the long bones from chondrodysplastic
dogs, "whereas only the G allele was detected in cDNA and genomic DNA
samples from non-chondrodysplastic dogs."
Finally, these authors found that the FGF4 retrogene was expressed using gene
regulatory sequences in a copy of a long interspersed nuclear element (LINE)
repeat residing at the retrogene insertion site. However, analysis of the expression pattern of neighboring
genes in adult dog tissues showed that neither the native FGF4 nor the FGF4
retrogene were expressed in adult tissues. Developmental regulation of FGF4 is believed to be mediated by sequences in the 3' UTR element
of the native gene, and the presence of these sequences in the FGF4 retrogene suggests that it is also
properly regulated during development.
All modern domestic dog breeds are believed to have
descended from the gray wolf, and the fact that chondrodysplastic breeds have
been developed several times independently (i.e., without direct ancestral
relationships) suggests that the retrotransposition event, and the presence of
the FGF4 retrogene, should be present
in populations of the ancestral gray wolf. Using hapolotype analysis over the 24 kb region of
canine chromosome 18 comprising the FGF4
retrogene and its insertion site, "this combination was not found in any
of the non-chondrodysplastic dogs we tested but was identified in wolves from
Europe and the Middle East, supporting fossil evidence that these populations
contributed to the early development of the dog."
The authors put forth their hypothesis of how the FGF4 retrogene is involved in chondrodysplasia
in dogs, and its relevance to humans:
We hypothesize that
atypical expression of the FGF4
transcript in the chondrocytes causes inappropriate activation of one or more
of the fibroblast growth factor receptors such as FGFR3. An activating
mutation in FGFR3 is responsible for
>95% of achondrodysplasia cases, the most common form of dwarfism in humans,
and 60 to 65% of hypochondrodysplasia cases, a human syndrome that is more
similar in appearance to breed-defining chondrodysplasia. . . . FGF4 induces the expression of sprouty
genes, which interfere with the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of the FGF
receptors including FGFR3, and
overexpression of the sprouty genes can cause chondrodysplastic phenotypes in
both mice and humans.
The greater significance of the study can be
summarized in no better words than the authors' own:
We have found a single
retrotransposition event producing a conserved, expressed retrogene that has
strongly focused the evolutionary direction of morphological change in the dog
because at least 12% of American breeds share a common phenotype and the
retrogene. This retrogene is
actively segregating within the species, has a coding sequence that is
identical to that of the source gene, and to the best of our knowledge is the
only example of a functional retrogene found in morphologically distinct
populations of a single species that is actively maintained by selection. If such rare mutational events or "sports,"
as Charles Darwin referred to them in "The Origin of Species," happen
only in the evolution of domestic animals, then these systems may be less
informative for understanding the origin of evolutionary novelty in wild
species. However, if the molecular
phenomenon we have observed represents a class of genomic change associated
with dramatic phenotypic evolution, then such genetic changes might be keystone
molecular innovations.
Fascinating! Excellent post Kevin.
Posted by: SKD | September 01, 2009 at 08:10 AM
What's up with all the dog posts? For a second I thought it was April 1st.
Posted by: Pacific Reporter | September 01, 2009 at 09:08 AM
Dear Pacific:
Well, I could say the blog is going to the dogs, but the reality is that I find the genetics to be fascinating. These studies are being done in dogs because they have so many specific breeds characterized by distinctive, stable, heritable phenotypes. But if we get similar studies on mice, cats or other animals, I will probably write about those as well.
I also think it's a nice break from FOBs, PTO rules packages, KSR and the rest of what we write about. These stories were posted on consecutive days just because I came across the journal articles at the same time. (We could have posted the dog fur story last Thursday, for example.)
Thanks for asking. We will now return to our regular programming.
Posted by: Kevin E. Noonan | September 01, 2009 at 10:34 AM
Hi Kevin, the above study report was really helpful for me. I appreciate the efforts you take here.
- Dr. Mathew J.
Posted by: dog health | February 06, 2010 at 10:47 PM