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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« Gene Patenting Debate Continues - Round Two | Main | Exergen Corp. v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2009) »

August 05, 2009


One way to reduce cost on prescription drug prices is to offer a modified patent arrangement to prescription drug vendors in exchange for a negotiated lower price for the prescriptions.

Drug manufacturers charge exorbitant prices because patents only last 7 years and they need to make as much as possible during the patent period in order to cover the cost of R&D. The federal government should offer a modified arrangement to the prescription drug companies.

Drug manufactures should be offered the option to retain patents for longer periods if they agree to reduce pricing during the length of the patent.

This option will result in lower cost and a better business model for prescription drug companies. It is a win-win for the manufacturers, insurance companies and the patient.

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