July 24, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a joint motion with
Plaintiffs-Appellees Dr. Triantafyllos Tafas and GlaxoSmithKline seeking to
stay briefing and oral argument in Tafas
v. Kappos (previously Tafas v. Doll) until 60 days after the U.S. Senate confirmed new Director David
Kappos (see "Could
the 'New Rules' Nightmare Finally Be Over?"). Director Kappos was confirmed on August
7 and sworn in on August 13. The
parties' joint motion was filed a little less than three weeks after the Court
of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ordered en
banc review of the appeal in Tafas v.
Doll (see "Federal
Circuit Grants En Banc Review in Tafas v. Doll").
the Federal Circuit issued an order
granting the parties' joint motion for a stay of en banc proceedings. The order states that
"the appellants' additional en banc brief is due within 60 days of the
date of filing of this order [i.e.,
October 5, 2009]." The order
also requires the parties to file copies of their original briefs by October 5.