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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


« Docs at BIO: Panel Addresses Follow-on Biologics Policy -- Updated | Main | Court Report »

May 26, 2009


Insightful Comments. Wished the Presentations were availbale...
"In his final remarks on patent reform, Mr. Armitage voiced the hope that the bill recently voted out of the Judiciary Committee (S. 515) on a 15-4 vote might be the "end of the beginning" of Congressional patent reform, and mentioned that even the CPF (whose concerns are "not illegitimate") have reacted favorably to the bill, giving it "high marks." The views of the Coalition for 21st Century Patent Reform on the bill can be found at www.patentmatters.com."
Sorry, but it is actually http://www.patentsmatter.com/.

Thanks, Sandy. I had it that way in my notes, but what resulted was either a typo or I transposed it. We appreciate the correction.

Actually, the entirety of the BIO meeting is available (for a fee) either as a collection of DVD/CD-ROMs or by online access. The information on how to access the conference materials is on the BIO website (www.bio.org).

Thanks for the comment.

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