C5 (UK) will be holding its annual Biotech Patenting conference on June 16-17, 2009 in Munich, Germany. The conference will allow attendees to:
• Identify the principles followed by the courts and patent offices when determining inventorship and entitlement disputes;
• Capitalize on gene patenting and stem cell related inventions;
• Understand the practical impact of recent case law and other legal developments;
• Broaden your knowledge of effective claim construction to avoid patent challenges and defend the validity of their claims;
• Formulate strategies and tactics to conduct successful cross-jurisdictional litigation;
• Tackle the latest scientific and legal developments within antibodies in Europe and the U.S.; and
• Master the practicalities of biotech patenting in China and India.
In particular, C5 faculty will offer presentations on the following topics:
• Review of key European case law developments affecting biotech patent practice;
• EPO examiner's perspective: An overview on biotechnology related patentability issues, with particular emphasis on antibodies and vaccines;
• The changing requirements for inventive step in Europe;
• Assessing the patentability issues around antibodies;
• Current threats and challenges in obtaining and protecting biosimilars patents;
• Round up of developments in India, China and Japan: Quirks in practice;
• Raising the bar: The EPO’s efforts to improve quality and the latest developments relating to inventive step, divisional applications and the search and examination phase;
• Protecting biomarkers and developing patent exclusivity around them;
• U.S. case law update;
• Redesigning your biotech patent strategy in Europe: Corporate counsel Q&A;
• Litigation trends and strategies for biotech patents;
• Patent term calculation to maximize drug profitability; and
• New considerations in patenting gene sequences and stem cell related inventions in light of recent case law.
An additional post-conference master class, entitled "Drafting Successful Patent Applications for Biotechnology Related Inventions," will be offered on June 18, 2009. In the master class, C5 faculty will provide attendees with the tools needed to draft biotech claims and specifications that will be well positioned to withstand future challenges.
A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda, list of speakers, and registration form can be downloaded here.
The registration fee for the conference is £1399 ($1,845.00), for the conference and workshop £1798 ($2,371.20), and for the workshop alone £499 ($658.08). Those interested in registering for the conference can do so here, by calling +44 (0) 20 7878 6888, by faxing a registration form to +44 (0) 20 7878 6896, or by e-mailing [email protected].