The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will be holding its 5th International Judges Conference on Intellectual Property Law on April 20-21, 2009 in Washington, DC. The conference will provide discussions on the following topics:
• Developing Judicial Issues: A panel discussion regarding the use of precedents and principles from other countries, the enforcement of trade secret protection, and specialization and training for judges handling IP matters;
• Transnational Enforcement: A panel discussion regarding a hypothetical fact pattern, in which a product will pass through multiple countries during manufacture, assembly, and distribution before entry into the U.S. market, with a panel of judges commenting on remedies that may be available in their jurisdictions to prohibit or discourage infringement of IP rights in this scenario.
• Patentable Subject Matter: A panel discussion regarding the differences in approach between the U.S. and other countries with respect to patentability of software, business methods, and biotechnology will be discussed, with panelists commenting on strategies and recommendations for IP protection for companies that hold these types of patents.
In addition, Chief Judge Paul R. Michel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit will present the luncheon keynote on April 20, and Director General Francis Gurry of the World Intellectual Property Organization will present the luncheon keynote on April 21.
A complete brochure for the meeting, including an agenda, list of speakers, and registration form can be downloaded here.
The registration fee for the conference is $1,475. Those interested in registering for the meeting can do so here.