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January 18, 2009


hey Sherri,

How about:
Plaintiff: Chemistry & Health International B.V.
Defendant: Pliva d.d.

Case Number: 1:2008cv11125
Filed: December 22, 2008

Court: New York Southern District Court

Hi Sandeep,

The patent-in-suit for the case you refer to is a process patent, specifically for a method of manufacturing granulated SAMe. I typically limit Court Report to biotech and pharma (paragraph IV) litigation, which, in my own view, does not include chemical processes litigation. For this reason, I elected to omit the Chemistry & Health v. Pliva case that week.

Thanks for keeping an eye out for me, and thanks for reading Court Report.


Hey Sherri,

Thanks to you... the Court report is a must read thing to do on Monday evening [India time].

I had met Kevin at the Boston Biotech Conf a few months back and had specifically told him that for us in India, the Court report is a great read.



How about:
Plaintiff: Chemistry & Health International B.V.
Defendant: Pliva d.d.

Case Number: 1:2008cv11125
Filed: December 22, 2008

Court: New York Southern District Court

Where can I view the complaint filed in the above case.?

Thank you,

Hi Vesna, the complaint can be accessed via the PACER site for the Southern District of New York. An account number is required for access.


hi! could you please tell me what was the outcome of the complaint of Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd. et al. v. Eli Lilly & Co,
3:09-cv-00192; filed January 8, 2009 in the District Court of New Jersey ? i am trying to locate the status of this litigation.


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