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Juristat #8 Overall Rank


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December 10, 2008


"We here at Patent Docs, and all reasoning members of the patent community, wish Rep. Becerra (at right) well in his new position, and breathe a sigh of relief that another wrong-thinking political meddler won't be in the next Congress to work more mischief on the U.S. patent system."


I couldn't agree with you more. The title to the Becerra bill was so misleading about what the bill language actually covered. The only trouble is that, as trade representative, Becerra will now be involved with foreign IP issues. May be he'll have a change of heart when he sees US IP get poor protection abroad.

Rep. Bacerra was so misguided and out of touch with the issue that he presented his proposed legislation that would eliminate patent protection for nucleic acids and their functions on the very same day that Congress congratulated Craig Mello for winning the Nobel prize for his discovery of RNAi.

EG, I couldn't agree more with your take on the potential "re-education" that Bacerra will receive as the new USTR. I just hope that he does not hand the reins on the GRAA over to one of his equally misinformed and misguided colleagues.

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