October 15, 2008 - Developments in Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Law (Practising Law Institute) - San Francisco, CA
October 15-16, 2008 - Pharmaceutical Congress on Paragraph IV Disputes*** (Center for Business Intelligence) - Philadelphia, PA
October 15-16, 2008 - Advanced Courses (Patent Resources Group) - Santa Ana Pueblo, NM
October 15-17, 2008 - Maximizing Pharmaceutical Patent Lifecycles*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
October 23-24, 2008 - Patent Litigation 2008 (Practising Law Institute) - Chicago, IL
October 28-29, 2008 - Pharma/Biotech IP Due Diligence*** (C5) - Amsterdam, Netherlands
November 10-11, 2008 - Patent Litigation 2008 (Practising Law Institute) - Atlanta, GA
November 11-13, 2008 - 4th Biosimilars conference (Visiongain) - Philadelphia, PA
November 12-14, 2008 - Structuring, Negotiating and Managing Pharma/Biotech Collaborative Agreements (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
November 17-18, 2008 - Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Opinion Writing*** (American Conference Institute) - Boston, MA
November 17-18, 2008 - Patent Litigation 2008 (Practising Law Institute) - New York, NY
November 19-20, 2008 - Paragraph IV on Trial*** (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
December 8-9, 2008 - Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Opinion Writing*** (American Conference Institute) - Atlanta, GA
January 12-13, 2009 - Pharmaceutical and Biotech Patent Opinion Writing*** (American Conference Institute) - San Diego, CA
January 28-29, 2009 - 6th National Conference on Pharma/Biotech IP Due Diligence (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY
***Patent Docs is a media partner of this conference or CLE