By Donald Zuhn --
On April 1st, we reported on a statement issued by Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) President and CEO Jim Greenwood (at right) disputing a report from the Coalition for Patent Fairness that the Senate patent reform bill (S. 1145) would be coming to a vote in the next few weeks. Earlier today, Mr. Greenwood issued a new statement on the patent reform bill, "applaud[ing] the continuing efforts of Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) [at left] to improve and strengthen the Patent Reform Act (S. 1145) to ensure that this legislation promotes continued U.S. leadership in innovation and treats all industries fairly." Mr. Greenwood criticized the Senate bill for continuing to include "key provisions that would jeopardize many economic sectors, such as biotechnology, that rely on strong patent protection to
help fuel American economic growth," and commended Senator Specter for rejecting these provisions. As to whether the Senate bill in its present form should come to a vote, Mr. Greenwood argued that "[t]his is not a risk that the Senate should take at a time when we need to do all we can to support innovative, growth-oriented American industries and a fragile U.S. economy." Mr. Greenwood continued to offer BIO's support "to improve the existing bill to preserve the underlying strength of our nation’s patent system."