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  • The Authors and Contributors of "Patent Docs" are patent attorneys and agents, many of whom hold doctorates in a diverse array of disciplines.
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Juristat #4 Overall Rank

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  • "Patent Docs" does not contain any legal advice whatsoever. This weblog is for informational purposes only, and its publication does not create an attorney-client relationship. In addition, nothing on "Patent Docs" constitutes a solicitation for business. This weblog is intended primarily for other attorneys. Moreover, "Patent Docs" is the personal weblog of the Authors; it is not edited by the Authors' employers or clients and, as such, no part of this weblog may be so attributed. All posts on "Patent Docs" should be double-checked for their accuracy and current applicability.
Juristat #8 Overall Rank


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March 02, 2008


Frankly, I feel that Roche has taken responsibility for creating a new drug that can help the lives of millions of people suffering from renal disease. Amgen wants to block the market from any company wanting to help others in a timely and cost efficient manner. Amgen has made millions on its drug and has also killed many people doing it. Amgen charges much to much for it's drug (we cannot afford it) and does not have a program to help patients with the cost. Physicians receive monetary kickbacks for putting their patients on Amgen's product, not caring if it kills them. The FDA should remove Amgen's product and market Roche's instead. This is strictly a political move on Amgen's part - as they would stand to lose millions (as would the doctors prescribing the medication). The government should realize that children are dying from renal disease and anemia that is a cause from it. Development of newer and SAFER anemia drugs should be developed and soon.

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