Morning Session (9:00-noon EST):
- Greeting and Overview
- Invention Secrecy Program -- presenter: Don Hajec, Director, TC3600
- KSR: Overview -- presenter: Kathleen Fonda, OPLA
- KSR: Technology Center-Specific Examples of its Application -- presenter: Jean Witz, QAS, TC1600
Afternoon Session (1:15-4:00 EST):
- Issues in Small Organic Molecules -- presenter: Michael Hartley, SPE, Art Unit 1618
- 101 Sequence Homology -- presenter: Dave Nguyen, QAS, TC1600
- Restriction: Combination/Subcombination -- presenter: Julie Burke, QAS, TC1600
- Closing Remarks/Discussion
The presentation can be attended in person at Madison East GIPA (Global Intellectual Property Academy) large lecture room on the second floor (600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA). However, in order to attend the meeting in person, you must have confirmed your attendance with Cecilia Tsang by phone (571-272-0562), fax (571-273-0562), or e-mail ([email protected]) by last Tuesday. The meeting will also be broadcast on-line here using "guest" access, or it can be accessed through the link provided by the USPTO in its announcement. Additional information (including downloadable copies of presentations and slide shows) relating to this meeting as well as prior BCP meetings can be found here.