October 10-12, 2007 - Stem Cells European Business Summit - Edinburgh, Scotland
October 12, 2007 - Intellectual Property Law Summit 2007 (West LEGALWorks and Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago) - Chicago, IL
October 16, 2007 - New Patent Rules Update: Implications of Compliance (World Research Group)
October 25-26, 2007 - Biotech and Pharma Public-Private Partnerships Forum (American Conference Institute) - Washington, D.C.***
October 25-27, 2007 - Biotechnology: Patent Prosecution, Licensing, Litigation & Hatch-Waxman (Patent Resources Group) - Palm Springs, CA
November 13-15, 2007 - Pharma and Biotech Collaborative Agreements (American Conference Institute) - New York, NY***
***Patent Docs is a media sponsor of this conference or CLE.