The inaugural Stem Cells European Business Summit will be held on October 11-12, 2007 in Edinburgh, Scotland. A business tutorial entitled: "Stem Cells: Latest Market Analysis and
Intellectual Property Landscape" will be offered on October 10, 2007. The summit will focus on the following topics:
- Review of Bioethics Related to Stem Cells;
- Sources of Funding for Stem Cell Research;
- The Regulatory and IP Situation;
- Commercialization of Stem Cell Research;
- Case Study Experiences from Start-Up Companies.
In addition, panel discussions will address the following topics:
- Lessons from Monoclonal Antibodies and GM Crops - Fast Track to Market and Public Acceptance;
- Challenges to Market Entry - IP, Legal, and Manufacturing.
A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda, list of speakers, and registration form can be downloaded here.
The registration fee is £399 for the tutorial alone, £799 for the business summit, and £1079 for both the tutorial and the business summit. Discounts are available for academics, early registration, and groups. Those interested in registering for the summit can do so here.