Circuit Judge Richard Linn of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit will be providing the keynote address, and Chief Judge James F. Holderman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois will be the luncheon keynote speaker. District Court Judges Matthew F. Kennelly (N.D. Ill.), James L. Robart (W.D. Wash.), and James M. Rosenbaum (D. Minn.) will be participating in a panel discussion entitled "A View from the Bench: Judges Speak Out on Patent Litigation." Also speaking will be Andrew Ramer, President of Ocean Tomo Auctions.
According to West LEGALWorks, the conference will cover such issues as:
- Identifying the right licensing strategy for your company
- Impact of KSR, MedImmune, eBay and other key decisions on your patent portfolio
- Latest news on patent auctions
- Advantages of an ITC action over litigation in U.S. courts
- Common mistakes to avoid when litigating an IP infringement case
- Key areas where IP lawyers inadvertently find themselves in ethical troubles
A complete brochure for this conference, including an agenda and list of speakers can be downloaded here.
The registration fee ranges from $795 (non-IPLAC members) to $695 (IPLAC members). Those interested in registering for the conference can do so here or by calling 800-308-1700 or 212-337-8444.