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June 06, 2007


For more on this controversay, please take a look at my web Journal at:


Irv Arons

Just a small calculation:
if the trial DID cost 45.000 $ per patient, its cost has been more than covered one day after the first day Lucentis vial was for sale. EACH patient who receives lucentis will need an average of 10 (ten) injections within 24 months, and these injections cost 20.000 $ !! So actually the statement by Genetech was simply a confession that the price of Lucentis is way over the limit, at least by a factor of five, maybe ten ...

Genentech could avoid the comparison trials by lowering the price of Lucentis to 200 to 400 $ per shot. They would easily sell ten times as much as today and would have the market for the next ten years.

As long as Lucentis is so expensive, we will have to use Avastin. And Avastin from being inferior...

Just my 2 c

Michael Stur, MD
Medical Retina Specialist

Mr. Stur, I had to agree with you in your statements. GenenTech is truly pricing themselves out of the market when the two drugs are practically identical. One must question their reasoning for doing this.

If we look at the burden that this will pass onto the taxpayers in provinces such as Ontario, Canada where Lucentis has now been approved as the treatment for wet macular degeneration under their health care plan, one must wonder how long such public systems can sustain this.

Can the difference in the two drugs be shown after they have been administered?

Barry Wheeler

Yeah that is somewhat of a challenge because with the pricing being so much different people are naturally going to use the more cost effective option. It is good to know that Lucentis is a far better drug though.

The cost of the Lucentis drug is cost prohibitive for WMD. This drug could cost me $7,200 dollars a year with my co-pay. Without a co-pay it would cost $36,000 for 12 shots.
It cost according to the developers of Lucentis $40,000 to $45,000 dollars for clinical trials.
If 50,000 patients received an injection at $2,000 dollars (cost the drug company claims)that is $100,000,000 in one week. Times 52 weeks that equals 5,200,000,000 in a year. Using very conservative numbers to compute this total tells me it is probably 5 fold of the above number. This is obsene.

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